Class Schedule


Spring 2024 Schedule 

Fall 2023 Schedule

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Spring 2024 Schedule
Course Code Section Course Title Credit Instructor Day Time Start Time End Modality Building Room
ACCT 1210 V 会计原理II+ 3 Taria Wolfe MW 12:40 PM 2:15 PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
ARTS 1060 O 艺术史与批评导论II+ 3 Lauren Miller* - Weekly Participation Canvas Online 画布上的同步参与
ARTS 1100 O Basic Design 3 Lauren Miller* - Weekly Participation Canvas Online 画布上的同步参与
ARTS 1200 O Drawing 3 Lauren Miller* - Weekly Participation Canvas Online 画布上的同步参与
ARTS 1400 DC Sculpture 3 Lauren Miller*   由导师安排 In-Person 全国公立学校 Classroom
ARTS 2900 DC Drawing II 3 Brandon Sturges*   由导师安排 In-Person 全国公立学校 Classroom
AUTO 1010 DC Exploratory Mechanics 3 Paul Leathers* - 由导师安排 In-Person 全国公立学校 Shop Room
BIOS 1200 V Concepts of Ecology 3 Hank Miller TW 9:00 AM 10:35 AM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
BIOS 1200 PN Concepts of Ecology 3 Dr. Felipe Chavez-Ramirez MT 9:00 AM 10:35 AM In-Person Pawnee Nation College 干法实验室(楼上)和湿法实验室(楼下)
BIOS 1204 V Concepts of Ecology Lab 1 Hank Miller R 9:00 AM 10:35 AM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
BIOS 1204 PN Concepts of Ecology Lab 1 Dr. Felipe Chavez-Ramirez W 9:00 AM 10:35 AM In-Person Pawnee Nation College 干法实验室(楼上)和湿法实验室(楼下)
BIOS 1210 V Introduction to Geology 3 Dr. Bev DeVore-Wedding MT 4:20 PM 5:55 PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
BIOS 1214 V 地质实验室简介 1 Dr. Bev DeVore-Wedding W 4:20 PM 5:55 PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
BIOS 2260 O 人体解剖学和生理学II+ 3 Dr. Maeghan Murie-Mazariegos * - Weekly Participation Canvas Online 画布上的同步参与
BIOS 2264 V 人体解剖与生理实验室2 1 Dr. Maeghan Murie-Mazariegos * R 12:40 PM 2:15 PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
BIOS 2264 1 人体解剖与生理实验室2 1 Dr. Maeghan Murie-Mazariegos * R 6:10 PM 7:45 PM Video Teleconference 校园视频电话会议 视频电话会议3科学
BIOS 2460 O Microbiology+ 3 Dr. Maeghan Murie-Mazariegos * - Weekly Participation Canvas Online 画布上的同步参与
BIOS 2464 V Microbiology Lab 1 Dr. Maeghan Murie-Mazariegos * T 10:50 AM 12:25 PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
BIOS 2464 1 Microbiology Lab 1 Dr. Maeghan Murie-Mazariegos * T 4:20 PM 5:55 PM Video Teleconference 校园视频电话会议 视频电话会议3科学
BSAD 1040 O Personal Finance 3 Kim Nelson* - Weekly Participation Canvas Online 画布上的同步参与
BSAD 1040 DC Personal Finance 3 James Hulstein* - 由导师安排 In-Person Bancroft-Rosalie社区学校 Classroom
BSAD 1040 V Personal Finance 3 Taria Wolfe TR 9:00 AM 10:35 AM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
BSAD 1050 O 商务概论+ 3 Carri Brafford* - Weekly Participation Canvas Online 画布上的同步参与
BSAD 1050 HY 商务概论+ 3 Kim Murie TR 2:30 PM 4:05 PM Hy-Flex 波尼国家学院/虚拟 Albin Leadingfox大厅110室; also Microsoft Team Accessible
BSAD 2050 O Business Communication 3 Taria Wolfe - Weekly Participation Canvas Online 画布上的同步参与
BSAD 2310 O Ethics 3 Carri Brafford* - Weekly Participation Canvas Online 画布上的同步参与
BSAD 2520 O 市场营销原理+ 3 Carri Brafford* - Weekly Participation Canvas Online 画布上的同步参与
BSAD 2520 HY 市场营销原理+ 3 Kim Murie TR 9:00 AM 10:35 AM Hy-Flex 波尼国家学院/虚拟 Albin Leadingfox大厅110室; also Microsoft Team Accessible
BSAD 2540 HY 管理学原理 3 Kim Murie TR 10:50 AM 12:25 PM Hy-Flex 波尼国家学院/虚拟 Albin Leadingfox大厅110室; also Microsoft Team Accessible
BSAD 2710 V Business Law II 3 Dr. Steve Palmer TR 9:00 AM 10:35 AM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
BSAD 3440 O Principles of Finance 3 Dr. Steve Palmer - Weekly Participation Canvas Online 画布上的同步参与
BSAD 3620 O 土著民族和国际商业 3 Dr. Steve Palmer - Weekly Participation Canvas Online 画布上的同步参与
BSAD 4800 V Strategic Management 3 Dr. Steve Palmer W 10:50 AM 12:25 PM Blended Virtual 微软团队会议 & 每周画布参与
CHEM 1100 V General Chemistry II+ 3 Dr. Bev DeVore-Wedding MT 2:30 PM 4:05 PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
CHEM 1104 1 普通化学II实验室 1 Dr. Bev DeVore-Wedding W 2:30 PM 4:05 PM Video Teleconference 校园视频电话会议 视频电话会议3科学
CNST 1000 DC Construction Safety 1 Matthew Spawn* - 由导师安排 In-Person 全国公立学校 Shop Room
CNST 1000 DC Construction Safety 1 Beau Davis* - 由导师安排 In-Person 全国公立学校 Shop Room
CNST 1010 DC 木工基础 3 Matthew Spawn* - 由导师安排 In-Person 全国公立学校 Shop Room
CNST 1020 V Construction Theory 3 Kodi Urquidi MW 9:00 AM 10:35 AM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
CNST 1040 DC Practical Carpentry I 3 Matthew Spawn* - 由导师安排 In-Person 全国公立学校 Shop Room
CNST 1050 C 框架和外部装饰 3 Kodi Urquidi T 1:00 PM 3:45 PM In-Person Macy Building Vo-Tech Building
CNST 1050 W 框架和外部装饰 3 Kodi Urquidi R 1:00 PM 3:45 PM In-Person Santee Campus Vo-Tech Building
CNST 1090 C Interior Finishing 3 Kodi Urquidi T 9:00 AM 11:45 AM In-Person Macy Building Vo-Tech Building
CNST 1090 W Interior Finishing 3 Kodi Urquidi R 9:00 AM 11:45 AM In-Person Santee Campus Vo-Tech Building
CNST 2900 V Intro to Engineering 3 Oscar Brienzo M W 9:00 AM 10:50 AM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
CNST 2900 V 使用Solidworks绘图 3 Oscar Brienzo M W 2:30 PM 4:05 PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
ECED 1110 DC 婴儿/幼儿发展~ 3 Marguerite Cortez* - 由导师安排 In-Person Macy HeadStart HeadStart Office
ECED 1120 V 学前儿童发展~ 2 Jackie Hahn* T 9:00 AM 10:50 AM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
ECED 1160 O 早期语言素养~ 3 Patti Page* - Weekly Participation Canvas Online 画布上的同步参与
ECED 1220 V Pre-Practicum Seminar~ 1 Patti Page* M 4:30 PM 5:30 PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
ECED 1230 V 学龄儿童发展 2 Jackie Hahn* R 9:00 AM 10:50 AM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
ECED 1630 1 Preschool Practicum~ 1 Viji Rajasekar - 由导师安排 Internship/Practicum 由导师安排 Arrange with Instructor
ECED 1640 1 School-Age Practicum~ 1 Patti Page* - 由导师安排 Internship/Practicum 由导师安排 Arrange with Instructor
ECED 2070 BL 家庭及社区关系 3 Jackie Hahn* W 10:50 AM 12:25 PM Blended Virtual Meetings & Canvas 微软团队会议 & 每周画布参与
ECED 2090 1 CDA专业组合:学前教育 2 Jackie Hahn* - 由导师安排 Independent Study 由导师安排 Arrange with Instructor
ECED 2450 V 幼儿计划管理局 3 Jackie Hahn* TR 12:40 PM 2:15 PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
ECON 2110 O 宏观经济学原理 3 Luke Becker - Weekly Participation Canvas Online 画布上的同步参与
ECON 2110 DC 宏观经济学原理+ 3 James Hulstein* - 由导师安排 In-Person Bancroft-Rosalie社区学校 Classroom
ECON 2120 O 微观经济学原理+ 3 Luke Becker - Weekly Participation Canvas Online 画布上的同步参与
EDUC 1010 V 学生成功策略 2 Viji Rajasekar T 6:10 PM 7:45 PM Blended Virtual 微软团队会议 & 每周画布参与
EDUC 1010 V 学生成功策略 2 Chrissy Lesher W 10:50 AM 12:25 PM Blended Virtual 微软团队会议 & 每周画布参与
EDUC 1010 V 学生成功策略 2 Taria Wolfe R 12:40 PM 2:15 PM Blended Virtual 微软团队会议 & 每周画布参与
EDUC 1020 1 Career Survival 1 Kim Olsen W 1:15 PM 2:15 PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
EDUC 1020 2 Career Survival 1 Kim Olsen       Independent Study    
EDUC 1111 1 Project Para 1 Dr. Jon Cerny* - Weekly Participation Canvas Online 画布上的同步参与
EDUC 2050 O 课堂上的杰出学习者 3 Viji Rajasekar - Weekly Participation Canvas Online 画布上的同步参与
EDUC 2700 O 在线教学证书I 3 TommyShawn Long - Weekly Participation Canvas Online 画布上的异步参与
EDUC 2720 O 在线教学证书II:让学生参与在线学习 3 Megan Miller - Weekly Participation Canvas Online 画布上的异步参与
EDUC 2800 1 专业实习2~ 2 Viji Rajasekar - 由导师安排 Internship/Practicum 由导师安排 Arrange with instructor
ENGL 0900 V English Skills 3 Ezechiel Brummels TR 2:30 PM 4:05 PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
ENGL 1010 O English Composition I+ 3 Raeanna Carlson* - Weekly Participation Canvas Online 画布上的同步参与
ENGL 1010 V English Composition I+ 3 Ezechiel Brummels* TR 9:00 AM 10:35 AM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
ENGL 1010 O English Composition I+ 3 Dr. Susan Nash   Weekly Participation Canvas Online 画布上的异步参与
ENGL 1020 O English Composition II+ 3 Raeanna Carlson* - Weekly Participation Canvas Online 画布上的同步参与
ENGL 1020 V English Composition II+ 3 Patti Page* W 10:50 AM 12:25 PM Blended Virtual 微软团队会议 & 每周画布参与
ENGL 1020 V English Composition II+ 3 Patti Page* T 4:20 PM 5:55 PM Blended Virtual 微软团队会议 & 每周画布参与
ENGL 1020 O English Composition II+ 3 Dr. Susan Nash - Weekly Participation Canvas Online 画布上的同步参与
ENGL 1020 DC English Composition II+ 3 Ezechiel Brummels*   由导师安排   Bancroft-Rosalie社区学校 由导师安排
ENGL 1020 DC English Composition II+ 3 Virginia Callahan*   由导师安排 In-Person Niobrara Public Schools Class Room
ENGL 1040 1 Creative Writing 3 Ezechiel Brummels* W 10:50 AM 12:25 PM Blended Virtual 微软团队会议 & 每周画布参与
ENGL 2100 DC 文学导论+ 3 Virginia Callahan*   由导师安排 In-Person Niobrara Public Schools Classroom
ENGL 2170 O 1865年以后的美国文学 3 Virginia Callahan* - Weekly Participation Canvas Online 画布上的同步参与
ENTR 2030 O 企业会计 3 TBD - Weekly Participation Canvas Online 画布上的同步参与
ENTR 2090 V 创业计划~ 3 Leland Henke TR 10:50 AM 12:25 PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
GEOG 1010 DC 世界区域地理+ 3 James Hulstein* - 由导师安排 In-Person Bancroft-Rosalie社区学校 Class Room
GEOG 2900 V Drone Flight I 3 Morgan Dorsey R 6:10 PM 7:45 PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
GEOG 2900 V Drone Flight II 3 Morgan Dorsey T 6:10 PM 7:45 PM Blended Virtual 微软团队会议 & 每周画布参与
GEOG 2900 1 仪表飞行训练
3 Richard Quandt   TBD     Martin Airfield in SSC 谭楼教室
GEOG 2904 1 Ground School Lab 1 Richard Quandt M W 6:00 PM 10:00 PM In-Person Martin Airfield in SSC 谭楼教室
HIST 2020 O American History II+ 3 Ezechiel Brummels* - Weekly Participation Canvas Online 画布上的同步参与
HLTH 1020   First Aid/CPR 1 Stacy Brasch   TBD   Blended    
HLTH 1040 V 体育活动:自卫 1 Dwight Nelson M 7:00PM 8:00PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
HLTH 1040 PN 体育活动:太极拳 1 Dr. Felipe Chavez-Ramirez R 5:00 PM 6:00 PM In-Person Pawnee Nation College Albin Leadingfox大厅110室
HLTH 1044 N 星形被子使用条状和/或单独的钻石 3 Patty Provost M 5:30 PM 8:30 PM In-Person 南苏城校园大楼 North Room
HLTH 1044 PN Ribbon Shirt Making 3 Jasmine Lorentz W 1:00 PM 4:00 PM In-Person Pawnee Nation College Albin Leadingfox大厅110A室
HLTH 1045 V Archery/Hunting Safety 1 Crystal Ross F 1:15 PM 2:15 PM Blended Virtual 微软团队会议 & 每周画布参与
HLTH 1046 V AIHEC 1 Carlton Edwards W 2:30 PM 4:15 PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
HLTH 1047 V 父亲和母亲是神圣的 1 Keli Warrior W 6:00 PM 7:45 PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
HLTH 1048 PN Gardening 1 Dr. Felipe Chavez-Ramirez W 11:00 AM 12:00 PM In-Person Pawnee Nation College Wet Lab (downstairs)
HLTH 2300 O 营养概论 3 Dr. Maeghan Murie-Mazariegos *   Weekly Participation Canvas Online 画布上的同步参与
HLTH 2310 1 健康教育与健康 3 Hank Miller TR 10:50 AM 12:25 PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
HMSV 1200 1 咨询技巧概论 3 Elizabeth Lovejoy Brown MW 6:10 PM 7:45 PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
HMSV 2100 O 小组咨询策略 3 Dr. Kathy Mohlfeld - Weekly Participation Canvas Online 画布上的同步参与
HMSV 2400 V 化学依赖的医学/心理方面 3 TBD MW 2:30 PM 4:05 PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
HMSV 2500 V Crisis Intervention 3 Elizabeth Lovejoy Brown T 10:50 AM 12:25 PM Blended Virtual 微软团队会议 & 每周画布参与
HMSV 2600 V 人类服务行业的道德和法律问题 3 Elizabeth Lovejoy Brown W 12:40 PM 2:15 PM Blended Virtual 微软团队会议 & 每周画布参与
HMSV 2850 V 公共服务管理局 3 Elizabeth Lovejoy Brown R 10:50 AM 12:25 PM Blended Virtual 微软团队会议 & 每周画布参与
HMSV 2990 1 Internship 3 Elizabeth Lovejoy Brown - 由导师安排 Internship/Practicum 由导师安排 Arrange with Instructor
HMSV 2900 DC Special Topics:
Hopeful Futures
1 Dr. Lisa Bickert - 由导师安排   由导师安排 Umonhon国家公立学校和Isanti社区学校
INFO 1010 O 计算机概论 3 Jennifer Holtgrew* - Weekly Participation Canvas Online 画布上的同步参与
INFO 1010 DC 计算机概论 3 Jennifer Holtgrew* - 由导师安排 In-Person Walthill High School Class Room
INFO 1010 1 计算机概论 3 Leland Henke TR 2:30 PM 4:05 PM Video Teleconference 校园视频电话会议 视频电话会议实验室
INFO 1012 V 电子表格简介 1 TommyShawn Long W 2:30 PM 4:05 PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
INFO 1200 V 生产力软件简介 3 TommyShawn Long TR 6:10 PM 7:45 PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
INFO 2100 O Project Management 3 TommyShawn Long   Weekly Participation Canvas Online 画布上的同步参与
INFO 2400 O Web Design 3 TommyShawn Long   Weekly Participation Canvas Online 画布上的同步参与
INFO 2900 DC Graphic Design II 3 Brandon Sturges* - 由导师安排 In-Person 全国公立学校 Class Room
INFO 2900 V 专题:中级电子表格 1 TommyShawn Long   Weekly Participation Canvas Online 画布上的同步参与
ITEC 2900 DC Concepts of Electronics 3 Paul Leathers*       In-Person 全国公立学校 Class Room
MATH 0904 V Developmental Math Lab 1 Shelley Kosola MW 8:30 AM 9:30 AM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
MATH 1020 V Technical Math+ 3 Alfredo Bonilla MW 12:40 PM 2:15 PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
MATH 1110 V Intermediate Algebra 4 Alfredo Bonilla TR 8:30 AM 10:20 AM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
MATH 1110 V Intermediate Algebra 4 Alfredo Bonilla MW 6:10 PM 8:00 PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
MATH 1150 V College Algebra+ 3 Alfredo Bonilla TR 12:40 PM 2:15 PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
MATH 2170 V Applied Statistics+ 3 Dr. Calvin Krogman* MW 6:10 PM 7:45 PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
MATH 2170 V Applied Statistics+ 3 Alfredo Bonilla MW 10:50 AM 12:25 PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
NASP 1010 HY 美国原住民研究导论 3 Kim Murie TR 4:20 PM 5:55 PM Hy-Flex 波尼国家学院/虚拟 Albin Leadingfox大厅110室; also Microsoft Team Accessible
NASP 1030 V 到1890年的印第安人历史 3 Savannah Waters TR 2:30 PM 4:05 PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
NASP 1040 V 1890年以来的印第安人历史 3 Carlton Edwards TR 9:00 AM 10:35 AM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
NASP 1040 V 1890年以来的印第安人历史 3 Savannah Waters TR 4:20 PM 5:55 PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
NASP 1070 V 美洲原住民家谱研究 3 Wynema Morris MW 2:30 PM 4:05 PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
NASP 1080 V 印第安人教育 3 Carlton Edwards TR 4:20 PM 5:55 PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
NASP 1140 V 印第安人的灵性 3 Wynema Morris TR 9:00 AM 10:35 AM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
NASP 1410 C Omaha Language I 4 Andre Saunsoci* TR 1:00 PM 3:10 PM In-Person Macy Building Omaha Language Lab
NASP 1410 V Omaha Language I 4 Andre Saunsoci* MW 3:00 PM 5:10 PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
NASP 1420 V Omaha Language II 4 Andre Saunsoci* MW 12:00 AM 12:00 PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
NASP 1510 V Dakota Language I 4 Redwing Thomas* MW 4:00 PM 6:10PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
NASP 1510 V Dakota Language I 4 Joey Bird TR 1:00 PM 3:10 PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
NASP 1520 V Dakota Language II 4 Redwing Thomas* TR 4:00 PM 6:10PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
NASP 2010 V 部落国家建设简介 3 Carlton Edwards TR 10:50 AM 12:25 PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
NASP 2200 V 圣达科塔部落历史 3 Dr. Susana Geliga W 10:50 AM 12:25 PM Blended Virtual 微软团队会议 & 每周画布参与
NASP 2210 1 Omaha Tribal History 3 Wynema Morris TR 10:50 AM 12:25 PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
NASP 2220 1 Ponca Tribal History 3 Angie Starkel F 11:30AM 12:30 PM Blended Virtual 1/4的团队虚拟会议,3/4的在线会议使用Canvas
NASP 2350 1 部落发展中的拨款写作2 3 Elizabeth Lovejoy Brown M 12:40 PM 2:15 PM Blended Virtual 微软团队会议 & 每周画布参与
NASP 2900 V 历史上的土著妇女 3 Dr. Susana Geliga M 10:50 AM 12:25 PM Blended Virtual 微软团队会议 & 每周画布参与
NASP 2900 V Ponca Language I 4 Angie Starkel MTWR 11:30 AM 12:30 PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
NASP 2900 HY Pawnee Language I 4 Warren Pratt Jr. TR 6:50 PM 9:00 PM Hy-Flex 波尼国家学院/虚拟 员工宿舍205室,微软团队也可以使用
NASP 2900 HY Pawnee Language II 4 Warren Pratt Jr. TR 4:30 PM 6:40 PM Hy-Flex 波尼国家学院/虚拟 员工宿舍205室,微软团队也可以使用
NASP 2990 1 实习- 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站学生代表 2 Kim Olsen - 由导师安排 Internship/Practicum 由导师安排 Arrange with instructor
NASP 2990 1 Internship- Quilting TA 2 Patty Provost - 由导师安排 Internship/Practicum SSC Campus North Room
NASP 3200 V 自决和教育援助法 3 Carlton Edwards MW 10:50 AM 12:25 PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
NASP 4310 V 部落宪法和法律 3 Carlton Edwards MW 9:00 AM 10:35 AM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
NASP 4330 V Tribal Management & Leadership 3 Wynema Morris MW 10:50 AM 12:25 PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
NATR 2020 V 自然资源管理 3 Hank Miller TR 2:30 PM 4:05 PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
NATR 2020 PN 自然资源管理 3 Dr. Felipe Chavez-Ramirez MW 2:30 PM 4:05 PM In-Person Pawnee Nation College Dry Lab (upstairs)
NATR 2900 V 植物种植科学 3 Russell Montgomery TR 4:20 PM 5:55 PM Microsoft Teams Virtual Microsoft Teams
NATR 2904 C/W 实验室:植物生长科学 1 Russell Montgomery W 4:20 PM 5:55 PM In-Person Macy and Santee Greenhouse
NATR 2990 C 实习-梅西温室 1 Russell Montgomery - 由导师安排 Internship/Practicum Macy Building Greenhouse
NATR 2990 W 实习- Santee温室 1 Russell Montgomery - 由导师安排 Internship/Practicum Santee Campus Greenhouse
NURA 1110 N Nurse Aide 4 Dr. Theresa Hansen MT 6:00 PM 8:30 PM In-Person Santee Campus Vo-Tech Building
NURA 1110 DC Nurse Aide 4 Emily Clayton* - - - In-Person 全国公立学校 Nursing Room
NURA 1110 C Nurse Aide 4 Dusti Storm MW 5:00 PM 7:30 PM In-Person Macy Building Macy Vo Tech Building
NURA 1110 N Nurse Aide 4 Tracy Jones TR 5:00 PM 7:30 PM In-Person SSC Campus North Room
NURA 1190 DC Medication Aide 3 Emily Clayton* - - - In-Person 全国公立学校 Nursing Room
NURA 1190 C Medication Aide 3 Devin Lingle T 5:00 PM 8:15 PM In-Person Macy Building Macy Vo Tech Building
PSYC 1810 O Intro to Psychology 3 Dr. Belinda Hinojos   Weekly Participation Canvas Online 画布上的同步参与
PSYC 2030 V 发展心理学 3 Jada White M 6:10 PM 7:45 PM Blended Virtual 微软团队会议 & 每周画布参与
SOCI 1010 DC 社会学概论 3 Karen (Wall) Parker*       In-Person 全国公立学校 Classroom
SOCI 2150 O 探索统一性和多样性+^ 3 Megan Miller* - Weekly Participation Canvas Online 画布上的同步参与
SPCH 1110 O Public Speaking + 3 Dr. Winsome Brooks - Weekly Participation Canvas Online 画布上的同步参与
SPCH 1110 V Public Speaking + 3 Stacy Brasch* R 4:20 PM 5:55 PM Blended Virtual 微软团队会议 & 每周画布参与
SPCH 1110 BL Public Speaking + 3 Ronda Ras*       Blended 在线/ Bancroft-Rosalie社区学校 画布上的同步参与; Speech performances in person at B-R
SPCH 1110 O Public Speaking + 3 Dr. Susan Nash   Weekly Participation Canvas Online 画布上的同步参与
WELD 1010 DC Introduction to Welding 3 Beau Davis* - 由导师安排 In-Person 全国公立学校 Shop Room
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*内布拉斯加州教育部(NDE)双学分认证教员 新十大赌博靠谱信誉网站学生-在www上完成申请 > Admissions > Online 申请并联系学生服务中心注册.
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                Last Edited 11/22/2023